Blogger Widgets :: ARIEZKA AZHAYANTI ::: Yoghurt


Sabtu, 22 September 2012


Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid which works on milk protein that makes yogurt more solid and has the texture and flavor. Generally yogurt is made using cow's milk, but there are some yogurt also use soy milk.Yogurt has been consumed for more than 4500 years and is well known throughout the world today. Yoghurt contains nutrients that are good for health.
PURPOSEMaking fermented yogurt has been done aiming to find out the process of fermentation. Furthermore we can investigate the advantages or benefits and drawbacks when we consume yogurt.
Yoghurt Fermentation Process
Yogurt from milk which is then added to the bacteria to form lactic acid. Bacteria are commonly used in the process of making yogurt is the bacteria Bifidobacterium sp., Lactobacillus sp. or bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.These bacteria will trigger the fermentation of milk, lactose in milk changed into lactic acid. Another effect of the fermentation process is the rupture of the protein in milk that causes the milk becomes thick. The end result will taste sour milk and creamy, this is the basic form of yogurt that has been finished.
TYPES OF YOGURT Set YoghurtYogurt with the texture is very creamy. Generally the yogurt is plain yogurt with no added sugar, taste, or smell. It was white and tasted very sour. Stir YogurtDibanfingkan watery texture sets but still feels thick yogurt like ice cream. Stir yogurt has experienced the addition of sweeteners, flavorings or fruit complement. To enjoy it, you need a spoon. Drink yoghurtYogurt can be directly taken shape. Liquid form as liquid milk. The difference in this type occur because of differences in raw materials and manufacturing process. So it does not mean yogurt better than yogurt viscous liquid.• Frozen Yogurt (Froyo)Yoghurt can also be processed into a form like ice cream. This form is known as frozen yoghurt or often called the stores froyo bloom appeared in various shopping centers. Efficacy froyo with yogurt in general. Froyo more enjoyable because of the cold and eaten in a similar condition while enjoying ice cream.To produce frozen yogurt form, required a special machine as the machine needed to make ice cream.

• Material:1. White milk with no flavor (sterile) 250 liters2. Yoghurt plan3. Spoon (sterile)4. Place jam of glass (sterile)• Making way:1. Enter liquid milk in a saucepan, heat the stove over low heat until it reaches a temperature of 75-80 degrees Celsius. Let stand for 15 minutes then remove and allow to stand at a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius.2. Then insert plain yogurt (yogurt with no flavor enhancer, no sugar, no flavor enhancer) or seeds or yogurt (yogurt plan). Make sure that the yogurt has reached a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius before putting that bacteria on seeds or starter is not dead.3. Cover tightly pan that had milk fermentation process. Leave for 24 hours.4. After the yogurt is formed, the best way is to put it in storage fridge. Store in temperature of 4-7 degrees Celsius. Yogurt should be placed in a sealed container.

NUTRITIONAL CONTENT CONTAINED IN YOGURTIn terms of nutrition, yogurt is not much different from the milk. However, because through the fermentation process there are some nutrients that implies higher in yogurt such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, as well as several types of amino acids making up the protein.1. Source of protein and calcium. YOGURT composition similar to the composition of milk. In fact, consumption of 100 g YOGHURT per day are able to contribute about 15% of the calcium and protein per day.2. Helps prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). Also, since most of the lactose (milk sugar) has been fermented.3. Alternative food for people who can not digest lactose (lactose intolerance).4. Increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut. Allegedly, this is what makes good health, plus longevity.5. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin. Vitamins are important in reproductive health and immunity.6. Easily and quickly digested tubuh.Lebih than 90% digestible YOGHURT body within 1 hour after ingestion. While the milk in the same time, only 30% digestible.
ADVANTAGES YOGHURT1. A study conducted by the University of California showed that yogurt may stimulate the immune system of our body and also kills bacteria "evil".2. by dr. Carmen. M. Siagian, MS, Section of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, some of the benefits of yogurt are as follows: Assisting people with Lactose IntoleranceIf your child is always diarrhea every time you drink milk, he could be suffering from lactoce intolerence. The cause is a deficiency / lack of digestive enzymes lactose. So every time you drink milk, lactose granules will be left on the surface of the hole and the small intestine absorbs water from the surroundings which then led to diarrhea.In yoghurt, milk lactose is broken down by the "good" bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermented, easily absorbed by the body. That is why yoghurt highly recommended as a substitute for milk for children who are unable to digest lactose properly. By drinking yoghurt, the child will not be diarrhea. Degradation of cholesterolResearch in some people who eat yogurt regularly in a certain amount of time and apparently shows the amount of cholesterol in the blood serum decreased. The mechanism of this decrease in cholesterol could occur because of lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt can degrade cholesterol to coprostanol. Coprostanol is a substance that can not be absorbed by the intestine. Thanks yogurt, coprostanol and cholesterol remainder spent together feces. In other words, the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the body was so low. A report on this matter explained that the reduction of cholesterol by Lactobacillus bacteria can reach the range of 27-38 per cent. Inhibit pathogensIntestinal flora consuming yogurt has proven difficult overgrown pathogenic germs or bacteria that can cause disease. With the growth inhibition of microbial pathogens as well as the demise of the stomach and small intestine can prevent the emergence of a variety of diseases caused by microbial infection or intoxication. In other words, eating yogurt regularly can help maintain a healthy digestive tract.From a study reported that Lactobacillus casei used in the manufacture of yoghurt mixture of skim milk and soy milk, proven to kill the bacteria E. coli. These bacteria are bacteria that are the digestive tract. Even in small amounts, these bacteria actually do not cause disease, but in excess they can certainly bring an unhealthy impact. While the presence of Lactobacillus casei, E coli bacteria can not survive because of Lactobacillus casei which is the "good" bacteria produce a substance that can inhibit toxin produced by E coli. Neutralizing AntibioticOral antibiotics will result in the balance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract of patients so disturbed. Although antibiotics kill germs is working, but he did not indiscriminately where germs that need to be killed and which ones actually do not need to be destroyed. Is not there are actually germs that must be on the gastrointestinal tract in order to maintain the balance of intestinal flora? Well, yoghurt can neutralize the side effects of this antibiotic. Anticancer gastrointestinalMany gastrointestinal cancers occur in the colon. The causes of the imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract, to produce a buildup of various substances that should be wasted. The bacteria in yogurt can contribute to change prekarsinogenik substances (cancer-triggering substances) present in the digestive tract, to be able to prevent the occurrence of cancer.CONCLUSIONYogurt is made from milk that is calcium-rich foods. Foodstuffs are undergoing a process of yeast fermentation by Lactobacillus bulgaricus. In the yogurt there are many nutrients that are good for health such as protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin. and so on. In addition, yogurt can also be processed into various shapes such as fruit juice pangannan yogurt, salad yogurt sauce, and so on.

1 comment

u l i e mengatakan...

how to make yogurt. maybe i can try to make it at home :D . nice article

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013 pukul 18.00.00 PST

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